Edition 1
Prost Neujahr 2024! Hannah here, I hope you had an awesome Christmas break and ready to welcome new beginnings in 2024.
Unless you are fortunate to continue your holiday indefinitely, how can you keep that chilled feeling alive? That sense of being grounded, relaxed and at ease with the world.
My suggestion…PRACTICE GRATITUDE. Sounds too simple. I think not!
So, WHAT is it?
Gratitude is all about valuing the good in our lives, even the little things. Like a enjoying a nice cup of coffee or a warm hug from a friend. There is always something to be thankful for!
Linda Roszak Burton explains the amazing neurological benefits…
A Shot of Dopamine – whether expressing gratitude for what’s good in life or showing gratitude to someone who has helped us at work, neural circuitry in our brain (stem) releases dopamine. Dopamine makes us feel good! And, because it feels good, we want more.
It triggers positive emotions, we feel optimistic, and it fosters camaraderie. It also drives prosocial behaviors. Ah-ha! Put that under how to enhance performance, because dopamine has been linked to intrinsic motivation in goal accomplishment, whether academic, personal, or professional.
A Swig of Serotonin – when we reflect on or write down the positives in life and at work, our brain (anterior cingulate cortex) releases serotonin. Serotonin enhances our mood, (think anti-depressant), our willpower, and motivation.
The more we activate these “gratitude” circuits, the stronger these neural pathways become and the more likely we are to recognize what’s going right instead of always looking at the problem. From a neuroscience view, or Hebb’s Law, “neurons that fire together wire together.” That’s where neuroplasticity – the brain’s ability to form new neural connections throughout life – comes in.
Read full article here…https://www.whartonhealthcare.org/the_neuroscience_of_gratitude Source Linda Roszak Burton
How to live A life Of Gratitude?
1. Keep A Gratitude Journal
That one is straight forward. Make it a daily habit to journal spontaneously all the things you are thankful for.
2. Meditate
Why not stop for a moment to practice a guided meditation for gratitude. It provides relief from our busy lifestyles, modern stresses and helps to recharge our energy.
Here are suggestions for guided meditations….…
- Mary-Kate – Magnetize Miracles instantly – Gratitude Meditation To Shift Your Reality
- Mindful Movement – 5 Minute Guided Meditation for Gratitude
- Unlock Your Life – Morning Gratitude Positive Affirmations
Source: www.bestever.com
3. Check out Gratitude Exercises
For example, try a GRATITUDE COUNTDOWN. Invented, by Calm app’s very own Tamara Levitt and Chris Advansun, is a playful exercise where you rapidly list ten things, you’re grateful for.
In the style of a gameshow lightning round, you count down from ten, sharing something you appreciate for each number.
Try this challenge solo or with a friend and take turns. The most powerful time to practice it is when you’re feeling negative or you’re in a cycle of complaining, as it can swiftly shift your mood and broaden your perspective.
Tamara Levitt, Head of Mindfulness at the Calm App, uses the gratitude countdown daily and has this advice:
“To make your countdown most effective, I recommend being specific. Rather than just listing, my dog and my home, give detail to each acknowledgement. Share not only what you’re grateful for, but how and why.
For example, you might say, I’m grateful that my dog snuggled up to me this evening and made me feel loved, and I’m grateful for the view out my bedroom window, of the sunset and treetops. By being specific, we’re recalling a distinct memory or setting an actual scene in our mind’s eye, which naturally evokes an authentic feeling of gratefulness.
As I developed my gratitude toolkit, the gratitude countdown exercise quickly became a favorite for a few reasons. First, I find that by saying the words out loud, I’m able to completely focus on the feeling of gratitude—to fully embody it.
Second, I love that you can do this practice anytime, anywhere. And last, by sharing the exercise with someone and hearing their countdown, the experience becomes even richer.”
Voila. Why not give it a go. Showing gratitude leads to positive emotions. Research has shown that practicing daily improves sleep, mood and immunity. Awesome.
I am truly thankful for YOU coming along on my journey!
To a stronger & higher you in 2024
Hannah x