On our adventure around Australia, we stayed in a beach side campground at Coral Bay in Western Australia. Popping in and out of the site to the beach each day, I could not but notice Ashton Clark.

A happy always smiling and beaming woman who lights up any place, bringing joy to people around her with her happy smile and positive open-hearted nature.

Chatting with Ashton I learned she has three gorgeous children Xavier 12, Grace 9 and Noa 5 years old.

On top of her busy family schedules, Ashton is greatly involved within her church, and helps organise both women’s and marketplace events. Her passion is organising events to uplift women and help them to find themselves and their purpose in life.
Ashton encourages women that are feeling discouraged or have felt disheartened, to not give up’! Keep seeking, keep searching and in time you will find the Way, the truth and the life, keep pressing on towards that hope.

The best is yet to come!

Don’t be defined by your past choices. Ashton says, ‘Every day is a brand-new day!’

I love Ashton’s energy and attitude to life! Go Ashton!

 “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future” Proverbs 31:25 NLT

Ashton Clark’s advice for women

‘Every day is a brand-new day!’