Edition 2

Hannah here… with January already kaputt, the new year is in full swing! Wow, I hope everyone is having an awesome 2024 and things are not already getting too chaotic.

I truly hope you can say ….‘Everything is in the green area’ a German saying for when things are going really well for you.

There are techniques of keeping yourself balanced, happy and out of the red zone. Why not try my favourite one of ‘earthing’ or grounding.

What is it?

It’s simply getting out into nature…your backyard, the local park, beach or forest and walk bare feet on the ground. This practice can help your body absorb Earth’s electrons and in theory improve your health.

Research has shown that ‘earthing’ benefits both physical and mental well-being, relieving physiological and emotional stress. Tests confirmed a normalizing influence on cortisol and a calming impact on the electrical activity of the brain plus normalization of muscular tension.

Moving on constantly on our one year trip around Australia, so far staying at over 150 places, I find it very useful to practice grounding. Our latest destination has taken us to beautiful Walkerville in southwest Gippsland in Victoria.

Here on a beach walk along the waters of the Bass Strait I was fortunate to meet Jacqueline Swan from Nature Muse (instagram nature.muze). She is a Nature Based Coach, Artist and Facilitator.

Jacqueline created a sunflower art piece on the beach as part of holding a ‘Nature connection and nature embodiment day’.

She inspires healing through the creative embodiment of nature and loves guiding people to express themselves and create art in nature.

Her advise to women is “Take your shoes off and get outside, it will make you feel so good”.

To a stronger & higher YOU

Hannah x

Instagram nature.muze
“I touch and surrender myself to the Earth. I become one with my true nature allowing it to emerge. From these roots, I shall grow.” “If you have never walked barefoot across the grass you have never lived.”
‘The Power of the North Energy”

Jacqueline guides people to find their creativity in nature…

Walking. I am listening to a deeper way. Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me. Be still, they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands. ~ Linda Hogan

“Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better”-Albert Einstein